Thursday, April 1, 2010


For the last six weeks I've been experiencing chemical fumes in my unit.
A similar happened around this time last year.
The chemical substance left a burning sensation on my skin, forcing me to leave my unit and sleep in my car.
Coincidentally it happened during the week before a decision was handed down by the Consumer Trader & Tenancy Tribunal that I as a public housing tenant living in a retirement village was not covered by the Retirement Villages Act.
It was only the fee paying residents who had this privilege.
To be protected against discrimination and harassment by management and other residents.
It had taken seven stressful months for the CTTT to make this ruling, and both sides were during that time understandably getting a bit toey.
I'd been firing off some angry emails at the other side.
They retaliated by placing a chemical substance in my unit which burnt my facial skin and made it hard for me to breath.
Suspecting foul play, I went to the police.
Once the decision that went against me was out in the open, the chemical warfare suddenly stopped.
This year the fumes have been coming mainly at night, and the early hours of the morning.
Now they are happening during the day too.
Wonder what they are and where they are coming from?
Bridget Jones Message to Self: Don't get paranoid about this.
There may be a totally innocent causation, an alternative explanation.

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